Mission 11 - Revenge

“ Give a guest from the past an adequate homecoming. ”

  1. Soul Eaters
  2. Vanguard & Soul Eaters
  3. Temperance Wagon
  4. Beowulf

49 Entries (Dante)

* Only counted in the mandatory fights listed above.
TUNDORU2010YESPS406:0793555099T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
RoyalIzayoi2000YESPS2SE06:1899365109T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Xetnevs2020YESPS406:2289135432T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
月高悬,箫诉流芳2010YESPC0606:2261234841T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Sena2010YESPCHD06:3396715068T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
XLHGladiator2010YESPC0606:54106825574T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Gabriel Lopes2020YESPS307:0278154618T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Zodiac Must Die2010NOPS307:13104886329T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
MiR0*2020NOPS2SE07:1774435019T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Naveed Hussain2010YESPS407:2482064520T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
月光TKMO2000YESPC0607:2983144362T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Surefire Tactics2010YESPS407:3867414782T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
darkmagicman24002000NOPS2SE07:4167295229T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Sparta Dante2020YESPS407:4494645923T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Eric Ramon2000YESPS2SE07:4692244400T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
玩雪的一方2010YESPS307:56102075810T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
evf02d2000NOPS2DA07:57101985421T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Saavas2010NOPC0608:0068665250T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
DevilMayAsian2010NOPS408:0176605379T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
DevilMayAsian2000NOX36008:0475524351T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
ダン2000NOPS2SE08:05100345054T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Pokey862000NOPS2DA08:0985995054T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Potent Hazard2020YESPCHD08:1497164983T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
成叔SLAYER2010NOPS408:25100825677T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
八会打龟七2010YESPC0608:3470314680T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
きんぐゆあさ2010YESPS408:3561704139T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Leandro Salmagi Coutinho2010YESPS408:4475164418T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
naiqilin2020NOPS408:5099465489T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Gabriel Lopes2020YESPS309:0381344255
Gabriel Lopes2020YESPS309:06101855552T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
GeM2000NOPS2SE09:1464524914T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
DrewSparda2010YESPCHD09:2084855158T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Nikki Slash2010NOPS309:2269444454T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
PhantomBabiesDotNet2000NOPS2DA09:5069974044T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
whereartthoupube2010NOPS2SE09:5772285004T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
JokertheDevil2010NOPS310:0999134366T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
HELIAX 992020NOPS410:2473135272
Gouki2020NOPS411:0582194578T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
HELIAX 992020NOPS411:1481574058T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
LordGamolth2010NOPS311:2478094162T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
Won-ki Seo2010YESPC0611:3067094384T S G R Q DE H A S KR C A N B
HELIAX 992020NOPS411:3282004890

Badge Descriptions

NGNew Game clear: Mission is from a 'New Game' challenge.
NUNo Upgrade clear: No extra moves, gun upgrades, blue or purple orbs were used in this SS.
NSNo Style clear: style button or actions were not used in this SS.
NDNo DT clear: No DT was used in this SS (includes quicksilver, doppelganger and spiral swords)
NANo Devil Arms were used in this SS. DT, spiral swords, royalguard rage and guns are allowed.
